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Orthodontic Treatments You Could Consider For Your Child

Orthodontic treatments are typically associated with teenagers, as they are the ones who may need improvement of their teeth alignment. Nevertheless, it should be noted that problems with tooth alignment could be avoided if they are caught early on. As a result, there are a number of orthodontic treatments that are offered for younger children that would help in ensuring proper growth. Read on to learn about the different orthodontic treatments that can be used from an early age.

Classic orthodontic treatment

Classic orthodontic treatment is what most people are familiar with, as it entails the use of conventional braces. The braces not only correct misalignment of teeth, but they are also used to close gaps between the teeth, modify the inclination of your child's teeth and more. Other than traditional metal braces, you have the flexibility to opt for other braces, such as lingual braces (which are installed at the back of the teeth), ceramic braces or Invisalign braces.

Interceptive orthodontic treatments

Interceptive orthodontic treatments function to stop a dental problem in its tracks—before it can cause permanent damage to your child's teeth. Before embarking on any interceptive treatment, your child would need a complete dental exam to determine whether this approach would be ideal for their needs. One of the main benefits of interceptive treatments is that they can end up saving you a significant amount of money down the road in additional dental procedures for your child. Additionally, interceptive treatments also help in preventing the worsening of a current dental problem. Some of the reasons why your child may require interceptive orthodontic treatments include:

  • Premature loss of their milk teeth

  • Protrusion of the lower or upper teeth

  • Narrow dental arches on the upper jaw

  • Prolonged thumb sucking leading to misalignment of incisors

Double-phase orthodontic treatment

In some children, simply fixing the alignment of their teeth may not be sufficient to treat their orthodontic problems. If their jaw bone has developed some abnormalities, it will affect the overall appearance of their teeth. As a result, it would be recommended for them to undergo double-phase orthodontic treatment. With this type of therapy, the orthodontist will start by guiding the development of the child's jaw. Once the orthodontist is satisfied with the positioning of the jawbone, they can then embark on the second phase of the treatment, which would be to correct the misalignment of the teeth. Double-phase orthodontic treatment would typically entail the wearing of a mouth brace throughout the duration of the therapy.
